Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Turning Points in My life

I have had many life altering experiences, but tonight I want to address 2 of them. The first is about being a lab tech in India and the second is being at John of God.

Lab Tech: As a child I remember getting a microscope, then taking microbiology in College, both times I loved seeing deeper into things. I was living in Gurudev Siddha Peeth in  Ganeshpuri, India, the home Ashram of my Guru, Gurumayi-Chidvilasananda. Gurumayi and her tour staff were leaving and I was told that I would be performing my seva( service) in the lab examining stool/urine samples during the monsoon season. I was quickly trained by a lab tech from New Zealand and soon found myself alone in the lab surrounded each morning with the stool samples of my fellow ashramites. This is where I learned to surrender at the next highest level. The old saying, up shit creek without a paddle, really took on new meaning. The Doctors ordered a new Giardia test and needless to say I did not have a clue. This wasn't in my quick indoctrination. I lite a candle and prayed for help, real help and send it fast. As I looked into the microscope, there was the cutest thing swimming in front of my eyes. A Giardia Trophozoite. It had a delightful face and looked so happy. For the first time in my life I saw God in an organism that caused a disease. It was a monumental shift in my consciousness. Yes, that is right, God dwells in all things. It is a Siddha Yoga teaching and I was having the experience of it in that moment. God dwells in all diseases. That is why I can't get on any bandwagon that fights a disease. Why would I want to fight my God? I love my God, therefore I can love any disease and learn from it.

John of God- On my first trip I remember telling Jean, I want to see a miracle..I saw several, one was a lady who had a cardiac arrest giving birth. She had been comatose for years and then was wakening up some. Her family members had brought her from New York. We all arrived together at the casa. The lady was helpless and 2 weeks later she was ambulatory and speaking. I was impressed for certain, but what was more impressive to me was the numbers of people who were not going to be cured, but they all lived their lives in an incredible state of being. Their minds still, their hearts so full of love and light poured out of their eyes like beacons from heaven. They could step up to anything that was dished out to their plate. That was the most incredible miracle I saw. Having the divine light shine from your being and your heart filled and brimming over in pure, unconditional love.

These 2 experiences have shaped my life. I have seen heaven here on earth, witnessed God within me, and fell in love with a disease causing "bug". I am prepared for all things which come my way. What a great life I live.

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