Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Self Love

Merry Christmas to All,

The other day I was filled with love as I sat in my chair listening to a Sanskrit chant. It is the kind of love that takes your breath away and makes your eyes misty. "Oh my", I said to myself. "I love me" are my next words. This is not my first encounter with self love but rather as the darkness leaves me there is room for new light to enter in the form of inner love and self love. God is always making certain our cup runneth over.

I remember when my mother was dying and semi comatose. She woke one day asking for a glass of....
hesitating.... of ..... self esteem. She was 82 years old. It is never to late in life to ask for it, pray for it or embrace it. I remember when my father had an experience of self love in the grocery store, after he had received spiritual awakening from Gurumayi. He said, "I like myself". He was in his late 70's.

SELF LOVE is present when you are connected to God. It is not until you can love yourself unconditionally that you can love another unconditionally. When you are disconnected from God,  you then live out of fear and not loving yourself. From that point you start to spiral downwards and your life becomes a hardship.
Let love in, hug yourself, give yourself a kiss in the mirror, and watch how your life changes. I love me and I love all of you.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Another Miracle in the Making

Day by day my healing routine plods along and as each day has passed, I have noticed more changes. My nipple has now healed, no open area, no crusting, no thickening. It has become pliable and supple and no longer inflamed. My right nipple now mirrors its twin on the left side by 90 %.  As if that is not enough, God has blessed me with changes in both breasts. They too have become softer to the touch and those old cysts are no longer tender.

This is what happens when you step aside and let God orchestrate your life.
I am grateful, I am humbled, I am thankful for all these daily miracles. I do lead a blessed life.
Thank you again for all your loving and generous support.

Friday, December 14, 2012

A Surprise Visit

John of God sees people from all over the world at the Casa on Wed, Thur, Fri. Since I have ramped up my healing program in November, I have been going there energetically for the morning sessions. Brazil is 5 hours later than us, so I'm up and going about 0430 or 0500. I send myself a distant Reiki treatment, while the essential oils are being breathed into my body and also while I am using Matrix Energetics to Two-Point myself. Multi-tasking my way to health!.

I slipped off into another dimension; where I was standing in a large exquisite room and I was sharing with a friend that this was my new home. It was beautifully decorated in Persian decor, clean and simple but ornate. Then I took  my friend for a ride down a dirt road. It was narrow and had no guard rails. I saw several old trucks heading towards me and the dirt was blowing and blocking my view from the edge. The road was several hundred feet over water. If I miss steered I'd fall off the edge. I held my breath and my course, passing safely.

On the other end was a pulsing blue light, Neela Bindu, or the Blue Pearl. It exploded into a blue OM, which radiated golden and blue light filling my inner being. I thought I must be seeing this through my third eye, but I opened my eyes and I could still see it. The divine had  come to pay me a visit, the inner divine had revealed itself to me.

Interpretation: The longer you are on a spiritual path the narrower it becomes and it is always easy to fall off of it. Traveling over water is transcending consciousness. I have narrowly missed being seriously ill by dodging some dirty, dusty trucks( impurities). I got a glimpse of my new home--a healthy body-- and a glimpse of my divine self. What a lovely gift; a visit by God, revealing himself to me in my own exquisite form.

Alex Grey: click to see his beautiful spiritual artwork. or Google Images of Alex Grey artwork.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Gold Star for Hira

I had to go back to Madigan this morning to meet with my Army Doc who is an intern and a very good doctor. All my blood work is normal and she was totally impressed by the amount of healing that had taken place on my nipple. I shared with her about Reiki and I was putting holy water on it from Lourdes and her eyes lite up. She is named after Saint Bernadette of Lourdes and had some of the holy water herself at one time.

When I got home I found this postcard in the mail from Jean. A gold star for my effort. I am sharing it with all my other stars in my life...you, you and you...

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Dealing With the "What"

When my breast journey began on 24 Oct 2012, I stated that I was not worrying about the "what ifs", but I did want to know about the"what" and then I would decide what course of action I was going to take. It has taken me quite a while to navigate the allopathic model, but knew it was necessary to know what I was dealing with.  Emails are pouring in with well wishes about the fact I don't have cancer. While this is good news of course, my relief comes from finally knowing about the "what". While I did not wait to launch my healing program, which has been most beneficial, I am moving into Phase 2 of my healing module.

What Is Planted in my Field?

In Ayurveda medicine, the body is known as the "field". The three doshas control all that makes up our nature. When these 3 doshas are balanced, diseases do not evolve or exist. And when they are out of balance, diseases can take root in our field and flourish. Breast cancer takes root when all three doshas are out of balance. Breast cysts and benign tumors are when the Kapha Dosha is out of balance. Kapha's element is earth and water, so often these tumors are filled with fluids, ie, water.

So with 2 biopsies revealing 2 types of benign tumors, I have to ask myself what is creating these imbalances and what can I change? I asked all my breast cancer friends about things they have done in their post diagnosis lives and I will incorporate the things that resonate with me. I started taking ayurvedic herbs to address breast tissue/immune system/ and eating mung bean soup which is medicine. I can stop caffeinated drinks and switch to hot water and apple cider vinegar. I can lose weight. I can do a liver cleanse and colonics. I can resume my exercise program. I can stop eating red meat, and eat more fruits and vegetables and smaller portions. I stopped eating wheat last year.  Adding flaxseed oil to cottage cheese and whipping it into a liquid for dressing. helps manage the fat in one's system. I will focus on changing my diet over the next year and will continue to share my progress. I am continuing to use the Young Living Oils in a diffuser with inhalations with antitumoral oils and also other oils as well.

My nipple tissue is looking better than it has since all of this started. I feel I my feet firmly planted on my healing path. My consultation with my surgeon yesterday was good. He thinks that more of the tumor needs to be resected, but agreed to compromise with me on revisiting this option in 2 months. I have 2 months to probe deeper into my being and plant healthier seeds in my newly plowed field.

I am so grateful to have so many people on my support team, so again I thank everyone.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Hira's Second Biopsy Report

My report is back and the news is:
I do not have any cancer cells in the nipple specimen.

I do have a benign tumor of my nipple which is an adenoma. This may need to be excised at a later date. Again, I have lots of options and time is on my side to add to my healing regime and in 2 months time I will see my surgeon again.

This posting is short as I have to head across town and attend an evening of chanting and thanking my Guru for giving me grace and equipoise. To my Reiki Team, thank you for all the reiki that has been sent to me. Jean, thank you for all that you have done to support me.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Shifting Consciousness

For over a month now I have been given an opportunity to dive deep within myself using my Healing Bodies Module and am emerging from the labyrinth of allopathic medicine's diagnostics. I am 3 days away from receiving my lab report on my punch biopsy.

A miracle has taken place within my being.

The morphic field of cancer has collapsed for me. There is no charge coming from it. It therefore is not causing chaos in my life. The word "cancer" holds such fear for people, it becomes a death sentence, it obliterates a person's hope, it destroys families and that is just from hearing the "word."....the ramifications of the allopathic treatment of cancer is just as terrifying for people. Agreeing to poison, burn or amputate a body part is a difficult choice. Treatments can  financially wipe out savings when insurance companies refuse to pay their bills and the list goes on and on.

Again, I am blessed, I have lots of choices because I have been taught by many Masters that there are other options, other choices. I don't live my life in a tiny box. I live my life from a multi-faceted, universal healing paradigm that allows me to be open to infinite options, infinite possibilities and that I can face any challenge with equipoise. My Guru Gurumayi not only taught me this, but has bestowed the grace in me so that I can experience it in my life on a daily basis.

The word "cancer" has a neutral charge for me now and that alone is a miracle. In the last 2 days, a friend has been diagnosed with cancer and another is in Intensive Care after receiving an emergency triple coronary bypass graft. I am embracing the eve of my own biopsy report with compassion and love.

My symptoms have been a gift sent from heaven: "Hira", the messenger said, " it is time to nurture yourself and radically sever old ways".  My month long vigil is working, as I weaved among my bag of healing tools, I discovered I was enjoying my journey of self nurturing and nourishment. My simple mung bean soup, which is an Ayurvedic "medicine" rather than "food" is soothing all three of my doshas (components of my nature) and gives my physical body a serene peace. I feel like a snake shedding its skin and will face next week with a newer version of my old consciousness. It has been downloaded and activated by a force greater than myself. Thank you God for this blessing.

Friday, December 7, 2012

More On Hafiz and Rumi

Hafiz  and Rumi Poetry: 

Hafiz    Click here to see and read more. This is lovely..

Hafiz and Rumi

Ecstatic Lovers of God

Part of my journey and my healing module is my great love of Persian  Poets Saints; Hafiz and  Rumi.
Their poetry and dance can take one into higher states of consciousness.

I will share 3 of my favorite poems: I lived once in a Guest House that had a Tree House in the yard.

1. Hafiz-
In A Tree House

Light will someday split you open
Even if your life is now a cage,
For a divine seed, the crown of destiny,
Is hidden and sown on an ancient, fertile plain
You hold title to.

Love will surely bust you wide open
Into an unfettered, blooming new galaxy
Even if your mind is now
A spoiled mule.

A life-giving radiance will come,
The Friend's gratuity will come-

O look again within yourself,
For I know you were once the elegant host
To all the marvels in creation.

From a sacred crevice in your body
A bow rises each night
An shoots your soul into God.

Behold the beautiful drunk singing one
From the lunar vantage point of love.
He is conducting the affairs
Of the whole universe

While throwing wild parties
In a tree house-on a limb
In your heart.

2. Rumi-
The Guest House

This being human is a guest house
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all.
Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture.

Still treat guest honorably
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

3. Hafiz-
When the violin
Can forgive the past.
It starts singing.

When the violin can stop worrying
About the future

You will become
such a drunk laughing nuisance

That God
Will then lean down
And start combing you into
His hair.

When the violin can forgive
Every wound caused by others
The heart starts singing.

To see the ecstatic dances of Rumi's Dervishes click here.

It doesn't matter how many times I read these poems, when the words stop me in my tracks,  I am always moved to tears.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Steadfastness in Focus

"Integration of the bodies requires steadfastness in focus

For focus, we need awareness and for awareness, we need to be in the moment

To be in the moment we need to be conscious, silent and listen for divine clues"

Hira Reid, Volume Two, Healing Your Bodies, 2006

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Three Principles of Healing Your Bodies

"The healing journey becomes quite simple

When we boil down and put it through the strainer of discrimination

Three principles fall though and land on our plate

Every day we must eat and digest our unbalanced charateristics with

Awareness, discipline, and steadfastness.

Simple to say, but not so simple to do by yourself

Make sure you send God a standing invitation for dinner"

Hira Reid, Volume Three of Healing Your Bodies 2006

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Another Biopsy Today

As I waited in the General Surgical exam room, I called all my bodies in and explained what was going to happen to my breast and nipple. That we all needed to be present and accounted for and that we would be focused and calm for the procedure. I had my appointment with Dr. Homann at Madigan today and he is a retired Army surgeon. I liked him  and his Cpt Army Intern. He did a punch biopsy of my right nipple with one suture.

I came home and put an ice pack on, and started doing Reiki and checking out my energy field, which was good. I sent my Biopsy specimen a Reiki treatment. I put some deep relief oil on my breast and began my diffuser with lemon and lime oil. Lemon is antitumoral and lime is good for lymphatic drainage. I also took 6 of my Wobenzyme. With my Matrix Energetic pendant over my breast nipple I continued doing Reiki on myself, all the time the mantra was playing. I see Dr, Homann next Tuesday, the 11th for follow/up, remove my suture and get my lab report. He will call if it comes in earlier. In the meantime, I can relax and have fun. There is a peace within me.

I feel I am in good hands, Reiki Hands, the Surgeon's hands and of course, God's Hands.

Monday, December 3, 2012


Reading the Runes are part of my Healing Module.

I selected 3 runes to begin my journey...I asked, "what do I need to know about my current issue"?
1. Overview: I drew Elhwaz-Defense- Patience-thru inconviences and discomfort growth is promoted.
2. The Challenge: I drew Othala-Separation-Old skin must be shed, radical severence.
3. The Action: I drew Mannaz reversed- The Self- Breaking the patterns of past habits...

The drawings are right on track and meaningful...my work ahead is one of growth, change and  severance of old patterns.

Another Sacred Gift Arrives

The Blessings being bestowed are of the highest. Yesterday, I decorated my condo  for Christmas and finally got around to collecting my mail from Saturday. I actually had a real letter instead of junk mail. Perhaps a Christmas Card? No, it was a small card from Sister Frances from Kalaupapa, Molokai Hawaii. In it was a small zip lock bag of dirt from the sacred grave of Mother Marianne Cope.

She has just been canonized as a Saint at the Vatican. Sister Frances was able to attend the ceremonies, and also got to go to Lourdes and Assisi. Saint Marianne had healed people who had prayed to her and had used the soil from her grave-site.

Father Damien also became a Saint for his work at Kalaupapa.
The Leper--Hanson's disease--Colony, as it has always been called, is now home to 2 Saints.

There are only 10 patients remaining on the peninsula and after 20 years Sister Frances will be retiring soon and she is a saint, in my eyes. Blessings for all those who have served out their lives there; as a patient and a care provider.
Rainbow over Kalaupapa Peninsula
Taken from Topside Molokai

Sister Frances had invited Jean and her Reiki team to come and clear the land and grave sites of thousands. Every summer for 7 years, Jean and her Reiki students would fly to Molokai and perform clearings, teach Reiki and support the nuns who lived and served there.
Jean teaching Molokai

I am blessed.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Clarification Required

I have received many wonderful emails, calls and person to to person contact about the results of my biopsy.
A member of my Reiki Team, said, " oh, I am so glad that you are out of the woods"  I replied, "well, that is not exactly where I am, as I have just arrived at the forest's edge."

Let me explain... the cyst that was biopsied and found not to be cancerous was an old, unresolved issue of long standing time. My current problem is my right nipple area which brought me to the hospital a month ago to get checked. Allopathic medicine has lots of hoops to jump through before they can make a decision about "problem- x". So with a negative mammogram, negative ultrasound, negative-unrelated issue-biopsy behind me, I can finally have my problematic issue addressed by a surgeon on Tuesday, 4 Dec 2012. I am told by the nurse practitioners who are following my case and have spoken numerous times with the surgeon, that I will be examined and most probably be able to have a punch biopsy done in the office on Tuesday.

While this process has taken an unbelievable amount of time, it has been a gift for me to do lots of work on my self and to seek help from many other people. All of which is a blessing and a gift for me.
I am learning patience, surrender, gratitude and God has given me a sharp kick in my butt to get me back on track about remembering to nurture myself in ways that hold me balanced in my sacred contract with God and my spirit.

In early October and prior to my symptoms, I wrote me a poem.
My discipline lies torn and tattered,  like a pile of garbage on a dusty road in some foreign country.
I look in disbelief and ask, "how did this happen"?
My focus became blurred, my efforts chaotic.
Little by little my desires took foothold and suffocated my discipline.
They became rulers of my domain.

OK God, you have gotten my attention and I am back on track and can see light at the end of my path.

Years ago I wrote this and of course it is timely today.

The Mind Whisperer

Mind, don't sabotage another goal of mine.
You talk me in and out of so many things.
How can I walk the straight and narrow path?
You have me zigzagging all over the place.
I'm putting you on a short lease and you need to Heel,
So I can Heal!