Thursday, December 21, 2017

Hanging Out For the Long Haul

Since the 2008 crash I have been hanging out patiently waiting for my mortgage to re float itself. 2017 did not look too promising for market values to rise but my mortgage continued to decrease with my monthly payments.
I continued to treat myself with daily Reiki sessions, meditate, and perform hatha yoga postures. I was going to hang in there for the long haul.
Spring came with a renewed force of personal energy, market energy and by August I put my condo on the market. I treated my title, my listing agreement, cleared the rooms of the condo, the septic tank, the surrounding patios and my offers with Reiki. I wanted a cash buyer and knew I'd get one and by October I moved into my old guest cottage on my favorite lake.
While this picture was taken 20 years ago, I still remember that sense of freedom of hanging in a yoga sling. I'm feeling total freedom now in the same way without having to hang upside down. Reiki has been in my life for over 32 years now, supporting every aspect of my life, every gland, system and organ. My mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies are bathed in the sweetness of universal healing energy every time I lay my sacred hands on my sacred body or receive a Reiki treatment from another sacred person. Reiki continues to bless my life and I continue to be grateful for its blessings. Making a profit put a smile on my face.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Reiki and Blood Transfusions May 2017

My health was declining over several months so I went to my health care provider at Madigan Army Medical Center. She ordered lots of blood work which revealed I was severely anemic and needed 2 units of packed red blood cells. The transfusions were done over night on the 9-10 May. I was in good hands with lots of Doctors, Nurses and medical students.

I had requested my Reiki team to kick in and send distant treatments. By the time I was out of the ER and in my hospital room I was resting comfortably for my night journey into blood transfusions. My first! I held infusion tube with my fingers, giving the in-flowing blood Reiki as it entered my body. I stayed awake all night as I wanted to be fully present and mindful as to what was happening. The nurses were monitoring my vitals on an ongoing basis with each unit; every 15 minutes for the first hour and hourly thereafter. The second unit started about 0200 hours. I am A Negative, but my blood was O negative.

After I while I shifted my attention to the unit of blood hanging on the IV pole which was behind me and to my left. I had to turn to look at it. I held my gaze and my consciousness expanded and enveloped an image of a person giving this blood so it would benefit others. I was filled with Gratitude. "Thank you whoever you are", I silently say to myself. The next morning my niece went to donate blood. I'm on iron and now awaiting studies to find the source of my bleeding body part. "A hunting they will go", so goes the ditty.                                                          

The morning after. I've got some color back.

21 May. Feeling much better, more vibrant and active.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Reiki Masters in the NW

Dear Reiki Friends,

Since my twin, Jean Ferris' death in 2015, many of her students have asked for names of other Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Masters in our local areas who are offering ongoing First and Second Degree Classes. I always recommend Collene Delaney in Seattle at and 
Penny Devine in Olympia at I would encourage you to look at their websites and see their large array of Reiki activities they support.

In addition to Collene and Penny, I, also recommend Joyce  Winough of Green Valley Az. She has performed a fantastic job of new classes, treatments and supporting Jean's students in Honolulu, The Big Island of Hawaii, New Mexico,Texas and Mexico. Joyce will be coming to Seattle on May 21st to teach a special one day Workshop on Reiki: The Aspects and Elements. 

All three of these exceptional Reiki Masters are not only involved in their local groups but have spent decades supporting and being involved in the Global Reiki Community. It is important that each of us continue to bring Reiki to our friends and families and keep the flame of Reiki burning throughout the world.

Joyce Winough Reiki Master in Seattle May 21, 2017

Invitation to All Reiki Students 
Explore and Contemplate the
Four Aspects and Nine Elements of Usui Shiki Ryoho
 A One Day Seminar 

The Lineage of Usui Shiki Ryoho- from Usui to Hayashi to Takata to Furumoto- has spread throughout the world since Hawayo Takata first brought the teachings and practice from Japan in 1938. For the past thirty five years, Phyllis Furumoto has been the Lineage Bearer of Usui Shiki Ryoho and has been teaching, defining, holding and transmitting the system of Reiki that her grandmother, Hawayo Takata, passed on to her. 
The Four Aspects and Nine Elements are meant to help Reiki students and practitioners go deeper, understand more fully and enhance communication of this practice.

The Aspects describes the nature of the practice and how it touches our life.
The Four Aspects are Healing Practice, Personal Development,
Spiritual Discipline and  Mystic Order.  

The Nine Elements describe the form of the practice: how it is taught, how it is received and how it can be practiced for maximum benefit. 
The Nine Elements are History, Spiritual Lineage, Oral Tradition, Precepts, Initiation, Symbols, Treatments,
Form of Teaching, and Money. 

Find out how each Aspect relates to the other Aspects and how the dynamic of the Aspects creates change and development in your life as a student.  
Find out how the Elements hold you as a student and support your increased awareness of the process of healing.

Joyce is an initiated master of Phyllis Furumoto since 2002 and has been consciously living these Aspects and Elements. This awareness of the system has brought Joyce to a deeper place in her personal Reiki practice and she is excited to share her experiences with you.
