The other day I was filled with love as I sat in my chair listening to a Sanskrit chant. It is the kind of love that takes your breath away and makes your eyes misty. "Oh my", I said to myself. "I love me" are my next words. This is not my first encounter with self love but rather as the darkness leaves me there is room for new light to enter in the form of inner love and self love. God is always making certain our cup runneth over.
I remember when my mother was dying and semi comatose. She woke one day asking for a glass of....
hesitating.... of ..... self esteem. She was 82 years old. It is never to late in life to ask for it, pray for it or embrace it. I remember when my father had an experience of self love in the grocery store, after he had received spiritual awakening from Gurumayi. He said, "I like myself". He was in his late 70's.
SELF LOVE is present when you are connected to God. It is not until you can love yourself unconditionally that you can love another unconditionally. When you are disconnected from God, you then live out of fear and not loving yourself. From that point you start to spiral downwards and your life becomes a hardship.
Let love in, hug yourself, give yourself a kiss in the mirror, and watch how your life changes. I love me and I love all of you.