Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Jean's Last Week

Jean's last Photograph August 11, 2015
At airport with Georgia and Flora
after their busy El Paso vacation
For the past 30 years, Jean chose and had great faith in treating herself using alternative modalities of Reiki, daily meditation, Ho’oponopono, Matrix Energetics, Lymphatic drainage, Young Living Essential oils,  Protandim and John of God.

Over the last several months, Jean’s health had declined. However, she continued to keep a very active schedule of teaching, treating, traveling and being involved with her grandaughters, Georgia and Flora. The choices that Jean made in her life were a testament of her self-love, her unconditional commitment of service to mankind, and a consistency of showing us the power of treating herself daily with Reiki.

During the last 6 weeks of her life, she continued working as a Reiki Master, she offered Reiki treatments and gave her last Reiki class in El Paso. She redesigned her front patio garden and had a wonderful week long visit with her grandaughters, Flora and Georgia.  She took them to the zoo, Wet & Wild, swam daily with them and enjoyed eating mexican food.

Jean developed extreme shortness of breath during the last 5 days of her life. During this time, she and Hira shared their common concern over this new development and agreed that it was life threatening. Jean continued to do her practices and received Reiki-distant, hands on and self treatments.

On Saturday, August the 15th, she was involved with the auspicious celebration of Dr. Usui’s 150th Anniversary of his birth and the Siddha Yoga celebration of Baba Muktananda’s spiritual initiation in 1947. She delighted in watching the SYDA slide presentation of Baba’s shaktipat initiation and hearing of Dr. Usui’s Seattle celebration which Hira attended and shared with her. She sent Dr. Usui a Reiki treatment during the celebration. That evening, Jean sat at her dining table and while treating herself she asked Dr. Usui to send her a Reiki treatment. During that evening she experienced an incredible reléase in her physical and emotional bodies. I had suspected that Jean would excarnate on this great auspicious and powerful night. What better time to leave, but...

Sunday morning, the 16th, she called Hira sharing her experience of the previous evening. I shared with her that her voice was very different sounding; with a new softness, sweetness and lovingly tender. Throughout Sunday, Sister Carol Wirtz and Eva Dominguez treated her with hands on Reiki. She was very appreciative of everything. Eva stated, “she was in a state of complete peace, pureness, free, content and quite witty!”

During Jean’s afternoon treatment, Jean became severely short of breath. It was then that she decided to get up from the treatment table and without any help, she stood and walked briskly and effortlessly to her meditation chair. At this time, she called Hira and Jean spoke mentioning her death was eminent. She wanted Eva, Sister Carol and Hira to know that she welcomed her passing. As she was speaking her breathing improved greatly. Hira told her she had changed her flight and would arrive the following morning.

It was then that she mentioned the need to continue treating herself. She wanted to rest and be alone for a while. She sat in her meditation chair with a straight back, head slightly bowed and placed her hands on her thighs. Sister Carol and Eva were asked to return in a couple of hours. It was during that time that she passed on. When they returned, she was sitting as they had left her. 

Jean was one true great master. She was an inspiration to so many in sharing the priceless gift of Reiki. She initiated over 2,000 students by teaching us the essence of Reiki. She gifted us into a lifetime opportunity by which we can connect and immerse ourselves with this healing power of the universe known as Reiki. She taught us the importance of treating ourselves daily and on always trusting the all knowing energy of Reiki.

Jean continued teaching us even in her death. She taught us how we can die peacefully and without pain, by using the two great pillars that were the foundation of her life, Siddha Yoga and Reiki. After her Reiki initiations she had always made a conscious choice not to use Allopathic Medicine. To Jean, she didn't need a diagnosis. Her trust and faith in Reiki was unquestionable, and unshakeable. Reiki would support her in her life and in her death. Reiki doesn't need a diagnosis; it goes to the place of greatest need at any moment in time. Reiki doesn't need any medical information. Reiki is universal wisdom, divinely guided to balance and support.

Jean's faith was so big, so strong. It was big in life, but it was bigger in death. Watching/listening to her in death was humbling, inspirational, sweet and she exited as though it was a simple walk in the park. Sister Carol and Eva were her choices to be with her, to treat her, to feed her, to give her space, to support her, to be still, quiet, loving compassionately, and to follow her instructions. Jean was their Reiki Master, teaching them, and teaching us how we can all have graceful exits. I am indebted to them and their saintly, compassionate devotion to caring for Jean in her life and in her death. 

She was one of a kind, a seeker who found the truth and never doubted nor questioned it, she totally embraced it with every cell of her body, from the core of her being and became the essence until death did she part.. If I may speak for me and for her students: there just is no one who can compare to the levels that she achieved in her mastery. 

After family and friends arrived in El Paso, some of them participated in a private viewing at the funeral home. Each one had a private time to say their goodbyes. Hira mentioned that Jean was beautiful, her face was very soft. She looked like an angel.

For her cremation, Jean wanted to be wrapped in the white shawl that Bhau Shastri, the head Brahmin priest at Gurudev Siddha Peeth Ashram in India had once given her and her white wool meditation asana placed under her. In addition, offerings for cremation were included as:

• A beautiful Haku lei that Erin her daughter made from Jean’s garden.
• Georgia and Flora, her granddaughters, created drawings for her.
• A photo of Jean at Machu Picchu where she once taught a Reiki class at Lima and Cusco.
• Her rudraksha mala (necklace)
• Her cowboy hat
• 60th birthday photos
• Sacred oils and sacred ash were applied to her forehead. Erin, hairstylist extraordinaire, touched up her hair using Jean's grandmothers brush from her hair salon.

Jean's ashes will be dispersed in the waters of Oahu, Hawaii at a later date. In the same waters we dispersed our mother's ashes, Marjorie P. Reid Hicks. 

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