Wednesday, March 30, 2011

More Thoughts on Reiki and Service

Phyllis Furumoto has stirred my "service pot" and I am filled with many thoughts and experiences of my time serving mankind. We have shared several emails, so I want to reflect on my thoughts. During contemplation, the topic may seem small at first, but sandwiched between having a quiet mind and performing Reiki on the process, the topic takes on a new life, a larger life, so we can really begin to see the enormity of the topic.

Such has been my process lately of contemplating the non-doership that Reiki offers its students. Rarely does one have this experience in life to be totally free when performing an action. We are taught as small children to senior citizens that we must be in control, in charge, in order to make anything happen and happen right.This is ingrained into our cellular makeup. So, with our egos and minds charging forth into daily activity, both of who are screaming "me", "me", "me", it seems impossible to stop, shift and make a complete turn-a-bout and surrender to the divine source. But, that is what we have to do, in order to serve, selflessly.

I continue to revel in the importance of non-doership with Reiki. I don't think the beginning Reiki student really understands the importance of this gift. This gift comes from mystical initiation to the student and within minutes they have experienced  non-doership. They may not call it that, but they realize something unique has happened, and over time they will know to call it non-doership. No where in our global upbringing are we trained or given the experience of non-doership. No where, is there a clearer experience, than with Reiki.

The key then, is to transfer the non-doership principle into all walks of our life. This is the aspect where we have to offer our actions to God or the Source. While Reiki is effortless after initiation, we have to make a conscious effort to offer our actions to God in all other avenues of our life. Our minds and egos really rebel and it is not easy. I remember while in India, I began saying every morning before meditation, "God, this is no longer my day, it is your day. I will offer this day to you and will do what you want me to do."  Surrendering to the higher being; asking for grace to descend into me to guide and bless me, trusting in his divine wisdom. I am being seen by the divine, I am being supported by the divine and I will act from the space of the divine. This is a giant leap, expanding every aspect of our lives into non-doership. This is what I mean, by allowing the topic to expand into the fullness of the divine. Allowing ourselves to be swept away with the currents of divine love and then to share that love with all we do and all we serve.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Reiki and Service

Phyllis Furumoto recently interviewed Sister Carol Wirtz, a Nun from the Order of the Sisters of Charity, on her Radio Talk Show, Reiki, Balancing Form and Essence. Sister Carol, lives outside of El Paso, Texas in a small community of other nuns who administer several charitable missions in the surrounding area. Dedicated to a life of service, Sister Carol is able to weave Reiki into their mission rather easily and speaks about  how serving the poor, the less fortunate becomes a motivating factor in her life.

When one serves God, one serves from the heart and not the mind. When the mind drops into the effulgence of the heart, then service becomes selfless. God moves in and takes over, conducting a bigger plan that is freeing to all involved. It becomes a two way street, the giver and the receiver are equal players, each receiving love from the divine source. Both are fed and nurtured by the divine source.

Reiki, in all its wonderment, is so simple. Reiki immediately removes the do-er, for the first time in our lives, we know we are not doing Reiki. Reiki is doing us, the source is providing Universal energy to bring balance to all living things, their systems, glands and organs. To quote Helen Haberly, my Reiki Master, "you can't do Reiki wrong, you can't do Reiki right, because you are not doing it." Reiki gifts us non do-ership. We, along with our egos, step aside and let this benevolent energy do its work. We can't make it better, we can't make it less, we can't change it, and all that is asked of us, is to sit with it and become the witness. Reiki becomes the Grand Master. It teaches us every time we reach out with our empty hands and place them on ourselves and others.

In contemplating service in my lifetime, which has taken many forms, serving in the military for my country, serving my Guru, Gurumayi Chidvilasananda, serving the poor and infirmed, and serving myself, I have learned many lessons. The first question in contemplation arises, is how well do I serve myself? If I can't serve myself, how then, can I effectively serve others. When I offer service, what is my intention? Am I serving out of a wounded place within myself, causing me to let pity orchestrate my service or have I healed that wounded place within me, therefore allowing me to have compassion orchestrate my mission for the suffering masses? Do I stand from the pulpit of duality or do I see everyone as one? Is my ego orchestrating the mission or am I able to serve with compassion and out of love? Can I step aside and let the universal energy do the work?

I always refer to Mother Theresa's reply, when asked many years ago, about how she could bear to take care of the poor, the infirmed masses of her mission? Her reply, profound and simple," I only take care of one. I feed Jesus, I bathe Jesus, I clothe Jesus." She only sees one, and that is her beloved. She treats everyone as though they were Jesus. When we serve with that one-pointedness, then we are free, free from duality, free from all that binds us. Serving with single vision that is non-dual in nature.

With Reiki we can pull our chair up to the treatment table and sit back and relax. God steps in and ministers the treatment. When we draw our sacred symbols into the air, someone out there is listening and seeing and immediately answers our call. The treatment starts. There are no treatment hours on God's master board. Call anytime, night or day, God says, we are always open and ready to serve humanity.

Remember to call  God, step aside from your intention, always be in your heart, so that you can serve selflessly...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Reiki and Unconscious Forgetting

Lately as I walk down the Reiki path I marvel from time to time how Reiki students seem to slip into a state of unconscious forgetting. Forgetting to utilize the gifts they have received in their various Reiki trainings from 1st degree to Mastery. A friend was fretting about not being able to be with her sister during her surgery. I said send her a distant treatment. Her response was,  "Oh, I forgot how to do that." Then her mind took off in another direction and I said, "well, then treat yourself" and her reply was that she hasn't done that either. A Reiki master forgets, to treat her pills that are causing some nausea and after treating the pills the nausea is gone. Another has been bothered for years with ear problems, but hasn't committed to treating herself during this whole time. Then states there has been immediate changes with just a few sessions. Surprise, Surprise.

So what is this unbalanced state that everyone falls into.. The State of Unconscious Forgetting is a place people go when they are not present, not conscious, not in tune with their patterns, their beliefs, their sacred support systems of meditation and Reiki. A place of non action which results from not being in touch with the most conscious system they have ever learned. The simple Reiki, balanced in the pure form and essence. Available at any given moment and just a hand placement away.

"Reiki On",  Mrs Takata said, "Just Do It".  Come on, all you forget-tors, wake up and become Conscious Remember-ers. Keep Reiki flowing in your lives. Its the best gift you have ever received. If everyone who has been trained in Reiki kept forgetting to use it, then in one generation, Reiki would be gone from the face of this planet. We have to keep Reiki alive within ourselves and alive for future generations. It is our duty. We are the keepers of the flame.